Sunday, 29 August 2010

Why Do We Have Lorem Ipsum And Why Is It So Important To Website Builders

Why do we have Lorem Ipsum and why is it so important to the Web Design Industry? Lorem Ipsum is used because it is nonsensical text which does not detract from the aesthetic presentation of a design. Additionally, the variations of Lorem Ipsum that are put out by Lorem Ipsum generators do a good job of estimating a normal distribution of English words and spaces. Today, a lot of people and companies who use this dummy text, they obtain it from special online or software-based text generators. However according to the excellent online information source Wikipedia, the original Lorem Ipsum text was derived from a Latin statement, titled De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, by author Cicero.The "What"

Even though this text is derived from Latin, it does not actually have any meaning. Instead of being a direct sample of Latin words, the Lorem Ipsum text is a sampling of letters in words, with many letters being omitted. So this make-believe Latin text consists of many words that do not in fact exist in the actual Latin language at all.

Lorem Ipsum is very important to anyone who is building a website because it shows you exactly what the live site will look like once text has been added. If this wasn't the case then a Web Designer would have to spend a lot of time typing text that either wasn't relevent or ready to be used on the project, resulting in a waste of time and resources.

So there you have it! I hope we have furnished you with all that you’ve ever wanted to know about Lorem Ipsum. For a more comprehensive reference, check out Wikipedia’s online article on the subject.

Paul Alexander Web Design

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