Marketing is an important and integral part of today’s business world. Many startups are totally aware of the fact that in order to start their new venture, they need to pay attention to their marketing plan. Before you launch your business, you should have everything written down, documented, organized and well planned. Marketing today is not a pop quiz where you can move forward by guessing blindly. You should have a thorough plan which should include all aspects of your marketing strategy.
An important part of any effective marketing plan is creating the brand awareness and establishing a brand identity for the business, the organization or the products and services. Since you are just starting out this is the golden moment for you to think about it. We have seen many startups switching back and forth in their marketing designs just because they didn’t think this through and are now dealing with identity crises.
To avoid this confusion, you need to think about how you are going to establish a strong identity for your brand in the market. Don’t just think alone, if your budget allows you then you should hire a brand agency to help you figure this out. But if you don’t have enough resources then you should hire a logo design company.
There is a plenty of affordable logo design companies online that can help you get a custom logo design for your startup but can also guide you what kind of logo you should have, what kind of colors you should use, how your web design should look like and so on. In fact you would be surprise to find out the services that these small logo design companies offer. Even though they are not known for their brand development work, these companies deal with brands and businesses on a daily basis. So they know exactly how market works and how consumers react to design.
Once you have hired someone for that, choose a logo that best describes your business. Remember this is your chance to invent a visual identity for your business. This is how your consumers or potential clients are going to look at on your website, brochure, letterheads and business cards. So this logo design should have certain qualities.
This is given that your logo design should be attractive and visually pleasant. It should also be unique so that it can stand out of the crowd and shine among your competitors. But apart from the usual fanciness, it should also have a character. Your logo should portray the people behind the business, what they believe in, how seriously they take their business. A visual or an image can do what a thousand words can’t do, use the canvas of your logo design to portray an image that strikes and then sticks to the minds of your audiences.
Since you are just starting up so one thing that you should take care of and which would save you money in future is to make sure that your logo design is scalable. A scalable logo design is easy to resize and does not lose quality when it is resized to be printed on any medium. Secondly you should make sure that your design has colors that can be used on your website and other printed material. Remember some colors might look good on screen but will feel awful on the paper.