Wednesday 15 December 2010

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Web side Administrator.


Sunday 29 August 2010

Web Design Tips: Keep the Clutter Out

The first lesson in design is that simplicity is the best design rule. But sadly the first lesson is often ignored by web designers just because their clients want them to add a little something extra to their web design. Small businesses in particular who hire web design firms to create their business websites want to get a web design that is worth their money. They think that adding more and more elements, widgets and things into their web design is the only way to get the service worth their money and time.

The main goal of a web design, specially for a web design of a small business website is to make information available on the web. Additional goals that make a web design truly great are to make the access to this information easier and useful for the website visitors.

Achieving these goals by a web design is not as simple as it might look. On the tech front where the information flow, social connectivity and different mediums to access this information are increasing on a daily basis, it is hard to decide how to keep things simple. From a world clock to a java chat applet, there is nothing you can’t add to your business website. But, what benefit it brings to your business is the question that you should ask yourself.

Design is like a plan to do anything, so before you ask a website design firm to create a business website for you it would be wise if you prepare this plan on your own. Of course not all small business owners have the ability to make websites and I am not suggesting that you make one. Instead, just pick a pen and a piece of paper and make a sketch of how you want your web design to look like. What pages you want to be created and added to the main navigational menu of your website. How your site’s navigational structure should be presented. What format you would choose for your website design and what useful widgets and tools you would like it to have.

Analyzing competitor’s website is a good starting point, but make sure that you are not copying someone’s web design. You would definitely want your web design to be unique so that it becomes memorable to your website visitors. While looking at your competitor’s website, browse them thoroughly to find out what kind of information they are providing on their websites. You may also want to check out how they are presenting their products and services.

A website is not a brochure so it can be made interactive with forms, integration of social media tools, multimedia such as presentations made in flash videos, audio podcasts, images and much more. An important quality of a good website is that it offers the website visitors something to do on the site. Make sure there is something to do for your website visitors.

Keep the clutter to a minimum level and stay focused on achieving your business goals throughout your website design. This strategy will not only make your website design simple but it will also make it look more professional and trustworthy.

Tips For Startups – Start With A Strong Logo Design

Marketing is an important and integral part of today’s business world. Many startups are totally aware of the fact that in order to start their new venture, they need to pay attention to their marketing plan. Before you launch your business, you should have everything written down, documented, organized and well planned. Marketing today is not a pop quiz where you can move forward by guessing blindly. You should have a thorough plan which should include all aspects of your marketing strategy.

An important part of any effective marketing plan is creating the brand awareness and establishing a brand identity for the business, the organization or the products and services. Since you are just starting out this is the golden moment for you to think about it. We have seen many startups switching back and forth in their marketing designs just because they didn’t think this through and are now dealing with identity crises.

To avoid this confusion, you need to think about how you are going to establish a strong identity for your brand in the market. Don’t just think alone, if your budget allows you then you should hire a brand agency to help you figure this out. But if you don’t have enough resources then you should hire a logo design company.

There is a plenty of affordable logo design companies online that can help you get a custom logo design for your startup but can also guide you what kind of logo you should have, what kind of colors you should use, how your web design should look like and so on. In fact you would be surprise to find out the services that these small logo design companies offer. Even though they are not known for their brand development work, these companies deal with brands and businesses on a daily basis. So they know exactly how market works and how consumers react to design.

Once you have hired someone for that, choose a logo that best describes your business. Remember this is your chance to invent a visual identity for your business. This is how your consumers or potential clients are going to look at on your website, brochure, letterheads and business cards. So this logo design should have certain qualities.

This is given that your logo design should be attractive and visually pleasant. It should also be unique so that it can stand out of the crowd and shine among your competitors. But apart from the usual fanciness, it should also have a character. Your logo should portray the people behind the business, what they believe in, how seriously they take their business. A visual or an image can do what a thousand words can’t do, use the canvas of your logo design to portray an image that strikes and then sticks to the minds of your audiences.

Since you are just starting up so one thing that you should take care of and which would save you money in future is to make sure that your logo design is scalable. A scalable logo design is easy to resize and does not lose quality when it is resized to be printed on any medium. Secondly you should make sure that your design has colors that can be used on your website and other printed material. Remember some colors might look good on screen but will feel awful on the paper.

Improve Your Logo Design Before Promoting Your Brand Image

What is so great about the times we live in? The greatest thing about these times is that even the ordinary people today have the access to the huge sources of information. Means of communication has become cheaper and real-time. The world as we knew it has gone through a complete transformation during the last couple of decades. Technology has changed the way we used to do business. Today’s businesses are smarter, efficient and can reach globally. It has also benefited the consumers who can now get all the information they need before buying anything. Technology has made things easier, simpler and smarter.

Due to the easy access to the learning and Do-it-yourself material on the internet, even the small businesses today are equipped with the knowledge they need to promote their business, sell their products and build a good name for their brand. The quest for building a better brand image begins with a logo design.

A logo design is a graphic illustration, a visual representation, a symbol of the business or the organization. Research has proved the significance of a logo in terms of building customer trust and loyalty as well as strong brands. Though small businesses today understand the importance of a logo design in their brand promotion strategy, but do they also realize what qualities their logo design should have in order to be an effective promotional tool?

Sadly, most small businesses do not realize that in order to be effective and useful, their logo design should have some qualities that would help them achieve their goals. Some small business owners believe that a logo is just a beautiful picture that they can print on their business cards and other things. The actual purpose of a logo is to promote a positive image of their business, their products and the brand name associated with the logo. Unfortunately the main purpose is often ignored which results into ineffective logo that does nothing for their business.

The important lesson in terms of building a good brand image is that nothing you do to promote your business is less important. Paying attention to details is crucial in each and every step of your promotional strategies. So your logo design deserves your attention so that you succeed in your goals.

A logo design needs to communicate and deliver a positive message about your products or services to anyone who looks at it. It should look attractive but the main purpose should not get wasted while achieving attractiveness. It should be meaningful, articulate and descriptive about your business. An image is worth more than thousand words, so use the canvas of your logo to put together those thousand words in a graphic illustration that represents the ideas behind your business.

An attractive logo design also needs to be unique so that your business can be identified among the competitors. While getting your logo design, think about the qualities of your business, your products or services and other things that make you different from your competitors. Use these qualities as something that your logo design should be based upon and enjoy the benefits of having a good logo sporting on all your marketing and promotional materials.

Why Do We Have Lorem Ipsum And Why Is It So Important To Website Builders

Why do we have Lorem Ipsum and why is it so important to the Web Design Industry? Lorem Ipsum is used because it is nonsensical text which does not detract from the aesthetic presentation of a design. Additionally, the variations of Lorem Ipsum that are put out by Lorem Ipsum generators do a good job of estimating a normal distribution of English words and spaces. Today, a lot of people and companies who use this dummy text, they obtain it from special online or software-based text generators. However according to the excellent online information source Wikipedia, the original Lorem Ipsum text was derived from a Latin statement, titled De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, by author Cicero.The "What"

Even though this text is derived from Latin, it does not actually have any meaning. Instead of being a direct sample of Latin words, the Lorem Ipsum text is a sampling of letters in words, with many letters being omitted. So this make-believe Latin text consists of many words that do not in fact exist in the actual Latin language at all.

Lorem Ipsum is very important to anyone who is building a website because it shows you exactly what the live site will look like once text has been added. If this wasn't the case then a Web Designer would have to spend a lot of time typing text that either wasn't relevent or ready to be used on the project, resulting in a waste of time and resources.

So there you have it! I hope we have furnished you with all that you’ve ever wanted to know about Lorem Ipsum. For a more comprehensive reference, check out Wikipedia’s online article on the subject.

Paul Alexander Web Design
